Proposed Stages a) skeleton class - with new configuration format static PDO_DataObject::$config[....] - with constants. PDO_DataObject::INT etc... PDO_DataObject::ERROR_INVALIDARGS PDO_DataObject::WHEREADD_ONLY - connect => PDO() - globals replacements CONFIG:: -> PDO_DataObject::$config RESULTS:: ?? not needed? << use private $_result RESULTSEQ:: ?? not needed... RESULTFIELDS:: probably not needed - info available from $_result->fields CONNECTIONS:: PDO_DataObject::$connections INI:: PDO_DataObject::$ini LINKS:: PDO_DataObject::$links SEQUENCE:: PDO_DataObject::$sequence ??? -- cache of sequence keys (modifyable) LASTERROR removed CACHE removed -- part of staticGet? - should we remove this? OVERLOADED -- removed QUERYENDTIME -- stored in $this->_result->time_query_end; debug - callinging LoadConfig with 'debug' - sets self::$debug (not stored in self::$config['debug']) - utilFunctions quoteIdentifier dbType $pdo->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME); -- not needed, just do this... Tests: connect method ::PDO() quoteIdentifer Target:END OF WEEK 1 (est. 2 days) - COMPLETED ------------------------- b) PDO_DataObjects_Introspection databaseStructure -- all conditions except plain 'ini' - may require sub 'versions' PDO_DataObjects_Introspection_Mysql .. Pgsql .. msql .. sqlite (maybe others from DB) - implementations of getListOf('schema.tables'); getListOf('tables'); getListOf('views'); tableInfo() Tests: $do = new PDO_DataObjects( array( 'table' => 'test', 'database' => 'xxxx' )); ?? for testing only? or new PDO_DataObjects('xxxx/test'); $x = new PDO_DataObjects_Introspection($do); $x->getListOf(...) == do a test of all the methods... - based on dummy $pdo ? -- these tests are not relivant to compatibility.. -- errors? -- ini file does not exist in paths. Target:END OF WEEK 3 (est. 4 days) - COMPLETED ------------------------- c) Query / fetch methods of PDO_DataObject -- needed for generator? modifyLimitQuery (used by find() , delete() and escape() // uses DB->escapeSimple DONE... (PDO::quote limit() - so we can test modifylimitQuery Tests: -- make sure simple fake tests work... Target:END OF WEEK 4 (est. 2 days) - COMPLETED ------------------------- d) Generator - creating .ini files / generating code etc... --- * start - DONE * databaseStructureProxy -- from previous work. * _readTableList - DONE - need test * _readForeignKeys - DONE - need test * generateINI - DONE - need test (was generateDefinitions) * _generateClassTable($oldcontents) -- PHP ? _generateGetters($oldcontents); _generateSetters($oldcontents); _generateLinkMethods($oldcontents); _generateDefinitionsTable(); << converts the 'table def' into a 'standard'? _generateTableFunction($def['table']); _generateKeysFunction($def['keys']); _generateSequenceKeyFunction($def); _generateDefaultsFunction($this->table, $def['table']); // empty functions - to add comments etc.. above code. derivedHookFunctions derivedHookClassDocBlock derivedHookVar derivedHookPostVar derivedHookPageLevelDocBlock derivedHookExtendsDocBlock fillTableSchema << used by databaseStructureProxy ** what does it do? - converts schema from database into table with columns with indexes (foriegn keys etc) - uses that information to generate INI files LINK files PHP code Table Introspecton - now outputs Foreign key information (pgsql - tested) New Generator methods start() - as before... readTableList toIni / toPHP / toLinksIni etc... generate(Ini|ForeignKeys|Php Tests: == do a test of all the methods... - based on dummy $pdo ? -- tests can be run against old + new... -- these tests should generate compatible code. Target:END OF WEEK 6 (est. 4 days) - COMPLETED ------------------------- e) PDO_DataObject class * factory DONE * databases[] set, but no database - should scan ini to determine which db to use... DONE * loadClass DONE (private) was _autoloadClass * get() DONE * pid() DONE * where() = new 'chained version' DONE * whereAdd() DONE (tested as part of where...) * whereIn() = new 'chained version' DONE * whereAddIn() DONE (tested as part of whereIn...) * orderBy() DONE * groupBy() DONE * having() DONE * unionAdd() DONE (part of union) * union() = new 'chained verison' DONE * limit() DONE (part of modify Limit Query) * select/selectAdd DONE * selectAs DONE * toSelectSQL() (was _build_select) -> DONE (part of all above tests..) * find() DONE * support for un-buffered mysql queries?? DONE * fetch() DONE * fetchAll() DONE / tested by earlier code ?? * fetchall(CALLABLE) same as foreach, but runs a method on each object... DONE * fetchall(false,true) associative with key==pid() * fetchall(false,COLNAME) associative with key==COLNAME * fetchAllAssoc() DONE - alias to fetchAll(false,false,true); * insert() DONE -- emulated sequence are not supported at present!! * update() DONE * delete() DONE * count() DONE * load() DONE chainable get * save() DONE generic update/insert * snapshot() DONE (this is auto called on load()) ... * NULL/cast? values in INSERT/UPDATE - DONE * keys() DONE tested as part of insert/update... * sequenceKey() DONE tested as part of insert/update... * whereToString() (was _build_condition) DONE testing as part of select/selectAdd.. * sqlValue() - DONE * PDO_DataObject_Cast ( $DB == PDO object...) DONE * setFrom() DONE * set() << chained version of setFrom? DONE * fromValue() DONE * toArray() DONE * formatValue() DONE - was toValue() (date formating is not compatible) * validate() DONE moved to seperate class... * raise (was raiseError) -- DONE - tests all over the place...... * joinAdd() DONE * autoJoin() DONE * links() DONE * tableColumns() - was table() DONE tested as part of insert/update... * link DONE * applyLinks DONE / DEPRICATED - not testing * linkArray DONE / DEPRICATED - not testing PDO_DataObject_Links ( ) DONE * PDO_DataObject_Exception ( ) DONE - tested most places.. * transactions BEGIN/ROLLBACK/COMMIT - DONE --- > * * config DONE / NEEDS TESTING - of various settings... Tests: needs fake DB and PDO objects test both DB_DAtaObject and PDO_DataObject for compatibility test settings like compatibilitylevel (eg. lowercase everything) test settings like null??? test of query conditions test of fetch all/fetch test of update test return values of sequencekey Existing tests bug6953 = last row fetch of joined query (have column data) simple.phpt - split into small tests (use fakedb) Target:END OF WEEK 8 (est. 4 days) ------------------------- Namespaces?? autoloading? packaging autoloading: in general we still prefer require_once however make the code compatible with class_exists... class_exists(...) ? '': require_once '....'; << For namespacing - we will not bother at this point, I'd rather go with some 'automated' code parse to convert it to namespaces.. - could be PDO\DataObject ? not much real benefit though at present... Plan is to propose to PEAR? although we can set up a pear channel easily probably also include a composer file. ------------------ Migrating DataObjects to use PDO ?? change to PDO_DataObject ??? in theory DB_DataObject extends PDO_DataObjects can be used to support it? ** replaces DB as the backend? ------------------------- Testing strategy Develop a test plan * using phpt * how can we compare 'old' Dataobjects to 'new' one? * for the tests running against the old version? - support fake 'DB'? * add an extra setting (unittest={fake pdo object}) - so any pdo work uses the fake pdo object if in unittest mode.. ------------------------- Run throught of DataObject.php fetch -> use of result->fetchRow() (query and statement object in pdo) -> catching of end of results. -> clearing resultfields -> in theory it could fetch into the object.?? = however we covert '.' to '_' ... may be an issue in some scenarios? BC? selectAs -> quoteIdentifier insert -> determine Dbtype ( for empty insert) -> quoteIdentifier -> sequence inserts and setOption seqname_format..... ?? -> dbtype - used to deterime method to get inserted id -- sequence handling?? see config options? is there anything more we do about sequences relating to pear? update -> quoteIdentifier delete -> quoteIdentifier -> modifyLimitQuery / setLimit ?? count -> quoteIdentifier -> result->fetchRow escape -> escapeSimple _quote (is this still used?) - it says private? -> quotesmart? _connect .... -> change over to PDO... -> connection options??? -- check what we use? _query -> transaction begin / autocommit? PDO::beginTransaction -> query/exec -> set 'N' using result->numRows() -> return $DB->affectedRows(); if insert/update etc... _build_condition -> quoteIdentifier joinAdd / autoJoin -- move code to PDO_DataObject_Join() toArray - needs resultfields - to determine fields that where returned.. -> ?? depricate link_loaded?? - it's so not recomended to use this. ----- Things that need implementations (not really provided by PDO?) quoteIdentifiers modifyLimitQuery escapeSimple dbtype - standard PDO call... ------------------------ Introspection -- Pro/Cons on splitting this - it's called quite a bit.. so basically esential to operations. --- contains quite a bit of code ** we could go on the principle, that anything that relates to 'real instrospection goes in it' - and move new getListof stuff ** then if stuff is cached, then we can not call it... ** if you are being clever and using the keys() -> to set data -> then use the extra class.. ** basically the base class should provide 90% usages without loading the introspection... databaseStructure -> ?? move to DataObject_Introspection? -> DB->getListOf('tables') (( calls generator ??? do we factory/ctor keys() -- introspection?? table() -- introspection? links() -- introspection? databaseStructure() -> introspection.. -------------------- _call (move to DB_DataObject_Overload.... ) fromValue/toValue ? used by call really, but are kind of usefull? ---------------------------------- Other Changes -> move globals -> static instances props.. -> constants to -> object constants.. storing resultobject in DO?? - how does that affect print_r ? ?? overload support ?? -- removed - in theory you can just wrap dataobjects, and add the two methods.... ** we can remove _call and why is __sleep defined as it is?? fetchRow -> ?? should we even support this??? depricate? ---------------------------------------------- DB_DataObject_Cast->PDO_DataObject_Cast ** change constants to refer to PDO object... ** needs knowledge of database type (from 'db') DB_DataObject_Error->PDO_DataObject_Error -- trivial changes DB_DataObject_Links->PDO_DataObject_Error -- minor changes ------------------------------------------- DB_DataObject_Generator->PDO_DataObject_Generator ** needs access to dbtype. -> getListOf('scshema.tables'); or getListOf('tables'); -> $__DB->getListOf(is_string($options['build_views']) ? $options['build_views'] : 'views'); ->$__DB->quoteIdentifier() ->$DB->tableInfo() _createForiegnKeys -> runs queries to seleect various details for postgres... ------------------------------------- Configuration / settings.. All configuration will be DB_DataObject::$config[....] -- defaults values set where possible. -- avoid 'empty' checks in code where possible. -- we can document configuration options in there... ?? config? - - reduce empty checks / set defaults on config values, so that we can just check booleans. DB portability -- lowercase ?? and other stuff??? database -> new format? need to support 'username' & 'password' ? db_driver << not needed anymore.. dont_use_pear_sequences <dsn[database_name] table() - renamed to tableColumns() factory() - without arguments will not work (PHP change) - use factorySelf() staticGet -- removed? - create your own cache layer .. it's pretty trivial. fetchRow -- removed (use PDO()->fetch(...)) links() - previously calling it with arguments set the global links for that object. It now only set's it for that instance, use link() - second argument can not be an array (not sure why that was ever supported - it just read the first item in the array?!? getLink - removed - used link() getLinkArray - renamed - linkArray() getLinks - renamed - applyLinks() Private methods removed/renamed.. _connect() -> public PDO() $do->_database_dsn - removed - this was a security hole wating to fail... (Accidental print_r's etc...) $do->_DB_resultid removed $do->_lastError - removed - ?? Not sure if this is every used anymore.. config changes debug_ignore_updates << removed. use config[PDO] == {fake PDO} sequence_***** << no longer used - override sequenceKey() ignore_sequence_keys << no longer used - override sequenceKey() dont_use_pear_sequences << not relivant.. links_**** not used ini_**** not used - use schema_location[database] = ..... keep_query_after_fetch = removed - behaviour was inconsistant - and unpredictable... (just clone before find/fetch) -- Debug Levels 1 - basic QUERY and results. 2 - Timers 3 - Detail returned data 4 - Full connection details (including DSN with password) ---------------------------------------------------- STAGE 2: - use 'prepared' statements rather than constructing the SQL ** this may be problematic as methods may need changing... like 'whereAdd' etc... ** hence postpone this and ignore at present.