--TEST-- Template Test: plugin_modifiers.html --FILE-- 10000.123, 'datetest' => '2004-01-12' ), array('plugins'=>array('Savant')) ); compilefile('flexy_raw_with_element.html', array( ), array( ) ); --EXPECTF-- ===Compiling plugin_modifiers.html=== ===Compiled file: plugin_modifiers.html===

Testing Plugin Modifiers

plugin("dateformat",$t->datetest);?> plugin("numberformat",$t->numbertest);?> Bug #3946 - inside raw! options['strict'] || (isset($t->person) && method_exists($t->person, 'useTextarea'))) echo $this->plugin("checked",$t->person->useTextarea());?>> ===With data file: plugin_modifiers.html===

Testing Plugin Modifiers

12 Jan 2004 10,000.12 Bug #3946 - inside raw! ===Compiling flexy_raw_with_element.html=== Error:%s/tests/templates/flexy_raw_with_element.html on Line 5 in Tag <INPUT>:
Flexy:raw can only be used with flexy:ignore, to prevent conversion of html elements to flexy elements